Making the Grade 2022: Timbers vs. Revolution
Making the Grade (2022 edition): Timbers vs. Revolution And so it begins... I just love the absoluteness of seeing that "Starting XI." It means game day is upon us, that soccer (futbol) really matters once again and, for this roster in particular, that the 2022 season is about to get underway!! If you haven't seen our bit on the pre-season thoughts, check it out here. But moving forward, we want to provide some fan-based analysis. The guys who call the game see what they see and the analysts look at the numbers and see what they see but what do fanatics of this team see upon our witnessing??? That is what we will share here. By "we" I mostly mean "me" until my comrades get their collective "$hit" together. Technically I could just cut and paste from the text string but... ooooohhhhh!!! So I was thinking that pasting the text string would be a great way to show the backstreet driver analysis we are so very good at, but in reviewing offi...